Art – curriculum information


Our Art curriculum develops creativity, sets challenges, engages and inspires children and equips them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

The curriculum has appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to explore and investigate, create and evaluate artwork as set out in the National Curriculum and so will enable the children to reach and exceed their potential at Withernsea Primary Academy.

It will enable pupils to create art work with a real purpose in terms of when they display and share the work they create and showcase the skills and progress they have made.


How art is taught at Withernsea Primary School:

Our art curriculum provides a clear and comprehensive scheme of work develops progression of skills across keys stage 1 and 2 within the strands of Art. The children are given an opportunity to present their sense of vision through observation, experimentation and illustration.

Pupils are encouraged to use their imagination through a wide variety of media and manipulative skills. They develop an awareness of colour, texture, design and dimension. Because the children will have access to key knowledge, language and meanings, they will be able to apply this to their work in Art and across the wider curriculum.

There will be, where applicable, links to develop the children’s learning experiences, which could take the form of whole school workshops or be linked to a wider cross curricular project. Teaching should plan for a final piece of artwork to be produced/displayed and shared at the end of each topic.

Key Stage 1:

  • Introduction to the artist/ art form to be studied.
  • Learn about the background of the subject
  • Use a range of materials and media to develop art and design techniques in the style of the subject studied
  • Produce a piece of work in the style of the subject studied
  • Evaluate work, making links and comparisons between theirs and the subject studied
  • Use sketch books to further develop techniques.

Key Stage 2:

  • Children should be using their sketch books frequently as a place for them to experiment and try out techniques at any point in the school week. They should be considered an art jotter to be used regularly and by the children’s own initiation so that ideas can be review and revisited.
  • Pupils should be taught to develop their techniques through topic work including their control and use of materials – increasingly being able to decide and choose which materials to use to produce a finished piece.
  • Pupils will be taught about great artists, architects and designers in history.

Information for parents

‘Pupils behave well in the classroom and around the school. Teachers support pupils with
identified behaviour difficulties well.’

Ofsted comments

Pupils are making good progress in improving their reading, writing and mathematical skills. Pupils’ progress in key stage 1 is particularly strong. Pupils are developing a range of exciting vocabulary in their writing. Pupils’ handwriting and spelling are weaker.

Ofsted comments

‘I would like to say thank you to everyone at Withernsea Primary School for everything you have done… have all been amazing’

Parent's comments

‘Leaders, including governors, understand the strengths and weaknesses of the school’s work.
They take decisive action to secure improvement. Consequently, the gaps in the progress made by different groups of pupils are diminishing.’

Ofsted comments

‘You have all been amazing. I hope all you teachers are proud of yourselves for the way you have conducted things throughout this pandemic. Proud to say my children are students at Withernsea Primary School’

Parent's comments

‘Most-able pupils and those who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities generally make good progress because teachers match tasks carefully to their needs.’

Ofsted comments

‘its really fun, it makes learning fun’

Children's comments

‘The curriculum supports pupils in developing positive attitudes to learning. Leaders have linked activities closely to pupils’ interests and aspirations. This has been particularly successful in engaging boys.’

Ofsted comments

‘thank you for keeping me safe’

Children's comments

‘ I would just like to say what a great help all the teachers and staff at Withernsea Primary School have been to parents/grandparents and carers during these very strange last months. Thank you’

Parent's comments

‘the teachers explain really well’

Children's comments

‘I love school, its a good place to learn’…

Children's comments

‘I love school’ …

Children's comments

‘Pupils who are experiencing significant turbulence in their lives are well supported. As a result, they stay engaged in their learning.’

Ofsted comments

‘Leaders have made significant improvements to early years provision. As a result, children
are making a strong start in building their skills in reading, writing and mathematics.’

Ofsted comments

‘I love school, its amazing, its like a second home’

Children's comments

‘Teaching is improving. Teachers are successful in keeping pupils on task. They offer pupils activities which catch their imagination and motivate them to do well.’

Ofsted comments