Withernsea Primary School

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Proud to be part of

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust



We follow the units of learning and syallbus that has been agreed throughout East Yorkshire, Hull and North Lincolnshire.

All schools follow this syllabus. It is not about worship and following a religion but to have an understanding and respect for people’s beliefs.

We look at a range of beliefs. We follow a unit per term so each Year group completes 3 units of work per year.

Year 1

What makes us special ?

This is to appreciate our uniqueness, have a positive attitude about ourselves and to look at a naming ceremonies

How can we keep the World Special ?

To explore and appreciate our natural worlds using world faiths as a context, looking at creation stories and considering different ways we can all help all care for the world.

What happens in a place of worship?

To visit a place of worship – identify the key features

Year 2

What does belonging mean?

Think about what makes a family and what it means to belong. Look at a faith family and what it means to believe and belong. Look at the values influencing families, school, friendship and faith groups.

Believing – How do I know right from wrong?

Look at key figures from the Old and New Testaments and stories from other religious traditions looking at the key beliefs that the stories demonstrate.

Living – What are the Big Questions?

This is abut asking some big questions – a faith believer to visit and pupils to ask questions about what matters to them and consider significant times of life.

Year 3


An opportunity to explore remembrance in the context of some major faith festivals including Remembrance Day and festivals of Remembrance

What are Faith Founders?

Investigating the lives of Key figures and founders in the major world faiths

What makes a Place sacred?

Link to local places of worship- observe faith rituals, contrast with a place of worship from another faith. Gain an insight into how tradition and ceremony is part of religious life.

Year 4

Community- What does it mean to belong to a faith?

Question hpw personal beliefs affect our way of life and how it affects a faith community and the lives of its members.

Saints and Heroes- What makes a hero?

Explore lives of faith members who have performed heroic deeds or dedicated their lives- include past and present and heroes from different world faiths.

Our World – What do religions say about caring for our World?

Build on an appreciation and understanding of the natural world. Conside how we can respect and conserve our world.

Year 5

How do people express their faith?

Explore religious expression and look at different expressions in different faiths.

Faith in Action- What inspires people of faith?

Explore aspects of making commitments. Look at the way commitments can affect and shape lives.

Pilgrimage – Why do people of faith make a pilgrimage?

Explore pilgrimages and global pilgrimage sites for different faiths.

Year 6

Justice and Freedom- What does it mean to be free?

Consider the codes by which people live their lives and how rules may originate from religious teachings.

Living a faith – What are the milestones on the journey of life?

Consider life journeys- codes of conduct and rites of passage and preparation for transition to secondary school as part of this.

Hopes and Visions – What is the Hope offered by Faith?

Develop an understanding of how and why religions celebrate key events in history.

Easter Arrangements

Year 1 – Easter story – looking at it from a perspective of surprise

Year 2 – artefacts and symbols associated with Easter – palm Sunday and palm crosses, contrast of sadness with joy

Year 3 – Look at the celebration in terms of food, music and drama

Year 4 – Discuss why Easter is important for Christians, contrast suffering with hope

Year 5 – Look at the significant features of Easter celebrations, look at Jewish festivals and how they fit in with the story of Easter

Year 6 – Look at the hopes and fears of Jesus’ friends, artwork relating to the Easter story

Christmas Arrangements

We broadly celebrate Christmas traditions within school but each Year group will take a slightly different focus or aspect to avoid repletion and also build on previous learning

Year 1- The Christmas Story

Year 2- The Christmas story looking especially at Christmas carols and songs and the importance of light

Year 3 – Look at ceremonies that celebrate Christmas

Year 4 – look at the theme of light to celebrate Christmas and contrast with Divali/Hannukah

Year 5 – Look at Christmas celebrations linked to theme of peace

Year 6 – Compare secular and religious images of Christmas and consider the Christmas Story from different perspectives.

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